Four Tricks for Alleviating Sleep Apnea Symptoms

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Andy McBryde @ 2:25 pm
Woman doing yoga in cozy room with candles

The problem: you can’t sleep. The effect: a massive strain on your physical, mental, and emotional health. Sleep is such an essential part of our body’s natural rhythm that when it’s off, everything else goes haywire.

Oral appliance therapy is a great way to address sleep apnea, but life happens. Sometimes your symptoms flare, or maybe you’re on a trip and forgot your trusty sleep aid at home. Either way, you need some home remedies to help harmonize your rhythms. We’ve got you covered! Just keep reading for four z-catching tricks.

Wait, What’s Oral Appliance Therapy?

Not familiar with the term? No worries, it’s not as well-known as the CPAP machine or melatonin. Oral appliance therapy is an alternative way to remedy sleep apnea – without a machine or pills. Your dentist can custom-make a mouthguard-like device that you’ll wear at night. This oral appliance eases your jaw forward, encouraging your soft oral tissue to move out of your airway’s, well, way.

In most cases, freeing an obstructed airway significantly reduces snoring, interrupted sleep, and other sleep apnea symptoms, so it’s definitely worth looking into.

#1. Practice Bedtime Mindfulness with Yoga

Any sort of regular exercise will help your body feel ready for rest, but yoga in particular is relaxing and easy to personalize. You can find online routines that focus on easing muscle tension, providing a workout, preparing you for sleep, strengthening your core and lungs – and so much more.

#2. Find a Sleeping Position That’s Juuust Right

It might be better for your back to rest in a supine position, but it’s better for your sleep apnea to rest on your side. Taking a siesta on your side with your head elevated helps keep your oral tissue from obstructing your airways – and your dreams.

#3. Experience the Magic of Air Filtration

It’s hard to breathe when the air itself isn’t ideal! Dry, dirty air is rougher on the respiratory system. Humidifiers can help keep your airwaves moist and decrease congestion. Air purifiers can filter the air, clearing it of dust, pet hair, and anything else that could otherwise irritate your lungs. In the wake of the essential oil craze, many of these machines allow you to add oils for additional health benefits.

Plus, your room will smell nice. And who doesn’t love that?

#4. Double- and Triple-Check Prescription Side Effects

Did you just think, “oh, duh!” Understandable. It can be difficult to keep up with our prescriptions’ side effects, especially when starting a new type or dosage. But even certain sleeping pills can worsen sleep apnea symptoms. If the Sandman seems to be avoiding you, definitely check in with your doctor to make sure the cause isn’t your medicine.

Whether you’re interested in oral appliance therapy or even more tricks for wrangling your sleep apnea, talk with your dentist. They might not be the first person you thought of for peaceful nights, but they might be just who you needed!

About the Practice

Our team at All Smiles Leesburg knows that sleep apnea is a prevalent and important problem. That’s why we offer oral appliance therapy as one of our services. If snoring and interrupted sleep is complicating your life, call our office at 703-777-4443. We’ll happily craft you an oral appliance and help you think of additional treatment strategies for a good night’s rest.